Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Apologies for the ridiculous gap in this documentation of our lives. I will now continue, so I can remember stuff years in the future, and have a little cry (with laughter!) about them like I did just now :)
Okay, so we're at 452 moments from my last count. LET'S MAKE SOME HISTORY.

-when me and Jenny were on the bus before and there was a school bus of children opposite us waving and I told Jenny to wave so she did and there was this little girl right at the back waving back with the creepiest creeper face ever.

-When we were on the train trying to explain about Michael Fassbender and Patty just wasn't getting it xD

-When we were chilling on the sand dunes and we looked up and there was a cloud shaped like a perfect 'X'.

-When Carina was in the sea and we told her to do The Little Mermaid coming out of the sea but when she did she flashed everyone because she had a strapless dress on. It was so funny, I can't even tell you!

-When we went the beach yesterday and the sand was dead hot and either Jade said "Now you know how Aladdin feels"

-DAT FASS. And everything X-Men related.

-The man, the myth, the legend that is: Troy Salazar.

-When Jade was saying she was going to play the Pirates Of The Caribbean music when she enters Carina's fancy dress party, carrying a huge flag and with an eyepatch over both eye causing me to consequently almost choke on my Tango in the middle of town.

-This gif.

-In my stats exam this morning when we were all just sitting there silently and the next minute I hear this big CRACK and I look around and the girl sitting across from me is sitting there looking shocked with a piece of ruler in each hand.

-Oh yeah! And when we were waiting for the bus home and that random old fella came up to us chatting on and me & Guyers got the giggles and then when he was gone Sean said "When he said 'Everyday' I thought he was going to say 'I'm shuffling'."

-The HUB Festival and it's various lolages:
The fork knife hybrid we dubbed 'Fife', Throwing chips at each other and one going in Carina's boot and her not realising for ages, Strutting to Stevie Wonder's 'Superstitious' like a boss, The fat-ass spider on that girl's head, Pushing each other into moshpits, Popping hoods inside out and putting various items in them, Singing the Pirates Of The Caribbean tune and finally..... EVERYDAY I'M SHUFFLING *SHUFFLES*

-When we were in town and saw a mini-tumbleweed.

-When we went to see 'Unknown' on the pictures. I think this blog I wrote pretty much sums it up so ABRA-CA-COPYNPASTE:
Steering away from Rise Against because I’m getting too overexcited, me, The Jade and The Jenny went the pictures on a sorta whim the other night and we ended up seeing The Neese in Unknown. Didn’t really know what to expect, I knew it was a thriller-type film but that was it. So we get into our seats, the place packs out, and the film starts… WHAT A BADASS TWO HOURS OR WHATEVER THAT WAS. Seriously, the amount of twists & awesomeness in that film made us all a bit giddy. I was seated beside two women who I think must have been Neese fans because all I heard throughout was “Oh no!” “Oh Liam!!” “Awh my gawd thank god the girls are okay” “awh the poor woman” “god I hate that man won’t he hurry up and die”, etc, etc. And then on my other side was Jenny who threw her hands to her face everytime something exciting/nerve-racking happened and frequently turned to me saying “Oh Jesus!”. Jade was on Jenny’s other side, but I’m guessing she too was similar to this lot, or more likely worse haha! Anyway, good film. Dunno whether that is the lack of expectation/hype talking or it was genuinely awesome, but if you like twists and general “EXCLAMATION!” moments, go see it. Like John Marston says, I implore you!

-When I was playing Uncharted 2 online one day and while we were waiting for it to load some guy was singing 'Hit Me Baby One More Time'. And another time I was running around blasting bitches with my trusty pistole (BAM!) and after I'd got some guy he was like "Killed me in one shot you did!" It was the voice he had that made it funny xD

-When Carol was talking about Jeffrey Archer in English and she kept saying "He is a shit." "He is a shit." over and over. What a crank.

-When we were translating my message in a bottle into different languages & it came out "you can contact me knee" & 'Kneen' in Italian came out 'Ginocchio'.

-This and when me & Jenny were crying about it on the bus & when I got off I wanted to do the dog's walk but didn't have the guts.

-When we were eating tea before and I bit into a tomato and it squirted right into my mum's face haha She was just eating her pizza and then it was like D: OMGWHATWASTHAT and then we all just started laughing xD Then my dad was talking about some war memorial and I remembered the tomato and started laughing again at not an exactly great moment :s haha

-When we were doing secret santa the other week and we were just sitting round talking and stuff and then, I think, Chloe went "[Gasp]! Steph! You've sat on a lollipop!!" and she stood up and there was just a big brown spludge on the couch and Steph was like "D: My chocolate lollipop!!! I was wondering where that'd gone :(" xD Turned out she had more chocolate on her than there was on the couch, which didn't look too great xD

-"Try the ketchup, motherfucker!"

-When we were waiting for the coach back to Liverpool after Linkin Park and Sean pointed out some crazy drunk mumbling to himself opposite us & he started laughing and then I did, and then Patty did, and then the drunk did! Hahaha :') And then like a few minutes later after we'd gotten over it, we glanced over and noticed the drunk had disappeared and Sean was crying "Fear for your lives!" and then we all just started off again :')

-When we were waiting for the coach to Manchester for Linkin Park & that man sneezed and for some reason Patty started laughing & it was just so contagious :')

-When Carol kept saying 'soft porn' again and again in her posh robot voice.

-In the same obituary, it said the singer wrote an autobiography called '40 Years Of Sausage, 50 Years Of Ham' and I wanted to burst out laughing but the class was silent, which made it even funnier :')

-In English when we were reading an obituary for some country singer and it said he had a song called 'Bumming Around' and the class just erupted into laughter.

-At Muse when we were in the huge merch queue and that guy pushed his way out and cried, "Easy tiger! Fight for your life!!" but only me and Steph heard him & we still laugh about it to this day :')

-(Because I just thought of it and can't find it on here) When we were on the coach in Italy driving the 4hrs to the airport and I fell asleep while listening to 'Time Is Running Out' by Muse and someone in the dream I was having said, "My child is running out!"

-When Sarah yawned the other day and made a little
"OW!" noise at the end of her yawn and it was the exact same pitch as the "OW!" Michael Jackson makes at the start of 'Don't Stop Til You Get Enough' :') and my dad was like "I thought you were doing an impression of Michael Jackson then!" and I was like "I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME THING!" and then my dad started dancing and tears started coming down my face, as per usual. :')

-Heavy Rain.
"Agent Nahmanjayden, FBI."
Jade's impression of Nahman- "I'm lookin' for Lieutenent Cartah BLAKE."
When we all had "Heavy Raaaaaain! Ori-gami kill-er on the loose! ♫" in our heads for the entire day in Vicki's. It was a repeat of the Pokemon theme incident, I tell you.

If you can think of anymore to add, please comment!
We are currently at 483 moments! Woo!

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